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OneTrust Dips Its Toes Into the AI Pond With Launch of OneTrust Athena

OneTrust challenges the antiquated idea of data privacy and AI as stark opponents, with the introduction of OneTrust Athena, the vendor’s AI and robotic automation-powered platform.

For those familiar with the data privacy vendor space, OneTrust’s move to integrate AI capabilities within its already comprehensive suite of privacy and compliance offering likely comes with little surprise. The platform leverages the data intelligence gathered from OneTrust’s regulatory research platform, DataGuidance, to drive AI-powered bots in supporting organizations to meet their data privacy compliance obligations.

The solution provides capabilities ranging from data classification and discovery to automating regulatory-related tasks specific to the privacy scope of the organization (think GDPR), and leaps so far as to provide predictions and informed solutions on unidentified risks to the organization.

Source: Yahoo Finance, OneTrust

Our Take

While we may have seen it coming, we may not have predicted just how timely the cross-over between the AI and the data privacy worlds would occur. Data privacy has a long-standing reputation of being an obstacle to AI integration; an insurmountable barrier placed directly in front of organizations. However, if we apply a different approach, and instead view adequate data privacy controls as a means of effectively implementing AI that scales to the internal and external environment of an organization, the interdependency between the two becomes evident.

As OneTrust adopts the first-to-market role with respect to significant AI integration in the data privacy software space, we can expect to see many vendors follow suite. This will lead to an improved and strengthened relationship between two previously separate functions. Additionally, we predict that the synergy will assist organizations greater efficiency in their privacy management capabilities.

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