Google Analytics
9.0 /10

What is Google Analytics?

Get a complete understanding of your customers across devices and platforms. Google Analytics gives you the tools, free of charge, to understand the customer journey and improve marketing ROI.

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Awards & Recognition

Google Analytics won the following awards in the Product Analytics category

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Google Analytics Ratings

Real user data aggregated to summarize the product performance and customer experience.
Download the entire Product Scorecard to access more information on Google Analytics.

92 Likeliness to Recommend

Since last award

100 Plan to Renew

Since last award

90 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value

Since last award


Emotional Footprint Overview

+92 Net Emotional Footprint

The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.

How much do users love Google Analytics?

0% Negative
3% Neutral
97% Positive


  • Helps Innovate
  • Respectful
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable

Feature Ratings

Average 87

Analytics and Reporting


Device and Browser Analytics


Data Management


Marketing Analytics


Audience Segmentation


Conversion Analysis


Data Analysis and Survey Function


Data Warehousing


Data Integrity


API Framework


Mobile Functionality


Vendor Capability Ratings

Average 85

Business Value Created


Ease of Implementation


Ease of Data Integration


Quality of Features


Breadth of Features


Availability and Quality of Training


Ease of IT Administration


Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement


Usability and Intuitiveness


Ease of Customization


Vendor Support


Google Analytics Reviews

Prashant K.

  • Role: Student Academic
  • Industry: Agriculture
  • Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Apr 2024

Large Language Model: Powerful Potential.

Likeliness to Recommend

10 /10

What differentiates Google Analytics from other similar products?

Google Analytics stands out in the web analytics market due to a combination of factors: Market Share and Brand Recognition: Google Analytics is the world's most popular web analytics platform. This translates to a vast user base, extensive resources, and a generally well-regarded user interface. Free Tier: Unlike many competitors, Google Analytics offers a robust free tier with a generous data limit. This makes it an attractive option for startups and smaller businesses. Integration with Google Products: Google Analytics integrates seamlessly with other Google products like Google Search Console, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

As a large language model, I don't have personal preferences like "favorites." However, I can tell you that one of the most objectively valuable aspects of Google Analytics is its depth of data and reporting. This vast amount of data allows businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and website performance. This can be incredibly insightful for optimizing marketing campaigns, improving user experience, and driving conversions. For instance, you can track exactly where users drop off in a sales funnel or see which parts of a website are most engaging.

What do you dislike most about this product?

Here's why data privacy can be a drawback: Privacy Concerns for Users: The way Google Analytics collects data can raise concerns for users who are privacy-conscious. Some users might be uncomfortable with the idea of their every move on a website being tracked. Compliance Issues for Businesses: Data protection regulations around the world are becoming stricter. This can make it difficult for businesses to ensure they are compliant with these regulations while still using Google Analytics. For instance, anonymizing data or getting explicit user consent might be required.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

Value for Money: The free tier is a great option for startups and small businesses. Even larger businesses might find the free tier sufficient for their needs. Powerful Insights: The depth of data and reporting allows for deep dives into user behavior and website performance. Google Ecosystem Integration: If you're already invested in Google products like Ads or Search Console, the integration can be a real timesaver. Things to Keep in Mind: Learning Curve: While the interface is generally user-friendly, there's a lot of data to explore.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing

Atharva V.

  • Role: Information Technology
  • Industry: Technology
  • Involvement: End User of Application
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Apr 2024

Data-Driven Insights Unleashed by Google Analytics

Likeliness to Recommend

10 /10

What differentiates Google Analytics from other similar products?

What makes Google Analytics different are its easy integration with other tools, the ability to predict trends in the future, and its customisation to fit your business's needs.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

My favorite and most helpful aspect of Google Analytics is its Predictive analysis of future trends based on the data gathered previously.

What do you dislike most about this product?

The tricky thing about Google Analytics is that it can be hard to figure out when you're new to it. And sometimes, there's just too much information coming at you, making it tough to know what's important.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

If you're thinking about using Google Analytics, start by learning the basics first. Take your time and don't rush into the advanced stuff. You can find lots of helpful guides online to help you figure things out faster.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Performance Enhancing
  • Enables Productivity
  • Includes Product Enhancements


  • Less Transparent

Giovani G.

  • Role: Information Technology
  • Industry: Other
  • Involvement: End User of Application
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Apr 2024

Google Analytics Is Dependable

Likeliness to Recommend

10 /10

What differentiates Google Analytics from other similar products?

I like the accuracy of Google Analytics. Google Analytics has been so effective.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

I like the ease of use of Google Analytics. Google Analytics has been so powerful to use.

What do you dislike most about this product?

No dislikes for Google Analytics.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

I highly recommend Google Analytics.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing

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