Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Software

Account-Based Marketing

What is Account-Based Marketing Software?

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) platforms enable marketers to align sales and target accounts with customized marketing programs. ABM engages accounts and buyers with marketing and sales support through web personalizations, targeted advertising and account-based email campaigns and provides key insights into buyer intent, engagement and account planning.

Common Features

  • Unified Sales and Marketing Funnel
  • Multichannel Campaign Management
  • Account-Based Advertising
  • Personalization/Audience Targeting
  • Account Analytics & Measurement
  • Customer Journey Modelling
  • Team Alerts
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Top Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Software

2023 Data Quadrant Awards

2023 Emotional Footprint Awards

At SoftwareReviews, we take pride in recognizing excellence. Each year, we present the Data Quadrant Awards to top-performing software products based solely on authentic user reviews, without any paid placements or analyst opinions. These awards highlight software products that excel in terms of features, vendor capabilities, and customer relationships, earning them the highest overall rankings.

At SoftwareReviews, we take pride in recognizing excellence. Each year, we present the Emotional Footprint Awards to top-performing software products based solely on authentic user reviews, without any paid placements or analyst opinions. These awards shine a spotlight on software vendors who excel in crafting and nurturing strong customer relationships.

Switch to Emotional Footprint
Products: 7
Next Award: Jun 2024